There were even mod articles talking about upping the clock speed to nearly 2 Mhz, but I was a newbie and afraid to kill my fully loaded $3300 dollar system! Kinda funny to contemplate a major mainboard mod to get.

Of course, it was a screamer, hell it came packed with a Zilog Z-80(If I remember) clocking at a blistering 1.77 Mhz. Flat out amazing what you can accomplish in 48k of ram when that is all you have.

Learned to program in assembly on that little barn burner. Of course, TRS-Dos sucked the big one so I upgraded to NEWDOS80. Low and behold, Percom also made a “Data Doubler” interface which loaded me for bear at 340k per floppy.
Cassette loading was too slow, so the next upgrade was a Percom floppy disk drive interface attaced to a double sided 170k 5.25″ Percom drive. Had to piggyback a couple of chips and add a switch to enable such advanced features. Then the “radical” mod from some forgotten TRS-80 mag to add upper and lower case. I needed more power, so I added the 48k expansion/interface. My first system was a TRS-80 Model I with the 16K. I have only had Windows 3.11 crash on me twice in 10+ years of using it, and that was because KRN元86.EXE was corrupted, so I just expanded it off of the floppy disk set, and it was fully operational once again. Also after some tweaking, and patches, Windows 3.11 is very stable. While Windows 3.11 will run quite happily. Linux on a 486DX/33 is not the best possible setup. Also, how many people know Unix commands as well as they know DOS commands? Not many.Įvery OS has a place where it is most optimal.
To install DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.11 For Workgroups, it only takes 25 miniutes.
Even with Damn Small Linux at only 50 MB, how long would that take to install on a 486DX/33 with no CD ROM drive, and doing the install with floppy disks? Propably several hours. Can RH 7.3 install in under 125MB of HDD space, less than 10 MB RAM, and have a fully featured GUI while still performing fast, and having full office suites available, browsers compatible with HTML 4.0, and a wide selection of games and other software available? I think not. To compile and edit it, you MUST have Delphi 1.0 installed, as it will not compile with any other biuld. That is equivilant to the amout of space that Windows 3.11 and DOS 6.22 take up when fully installed, so it is very space conservetive.Ĭalmira is also distributed under the GNU GPL, and is programmed in Delphi1. With all of the enhacements, it may take 15 MB. A basic calmira installation, (with no add-ons), only takes 2.5 MB of HDD space.
With all of the add-ins, about the only diffeence between Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 is no LFN support, (but this can be bypassed by using 4DOS descriptions as the displayed filename), limited ability to run 32 bit programs with a hacked Win32s, and no FAT32 support, (and this can be bypassed by installing Weinger’s DOS 7.10).Īlso, even with a very small HDD, (my 486 HDD is only 125 MB), calmira takes very little space. Example, you can change the startup logo, add the “It is now safe to turn off your computer” dialoque, add a shutdown screen, replace the Task Manager, add the Windows 95 start menu banner, a 95 like control panel, a newer registry editor, and many other enhancements. There are also many different add-ons available that will get Windows 3.1 to look more like WIndows 95. I have no idea about CalmiraXP, as I have only used that in VPC. It looks identical to the Windows 95 desktop as soon as you set it up. If there was a way to disable that, it would be very good.Īs far as apperance is concerned, Calmira looks great even in 16 color mode. The only bad part about it is that it covers up your desktop with the blue backround. It even gives you 3D drop menus like in the 9x releases. I prefer Mask98, as it mimics the Windows 95 style down to a “T”. You still have the old Windows 3.1x style minimise, maximize and close buttons, but that can be also patched with PATCHDRV.EXE, or with Mask98. To set it as you shell, simply change the one setting in SYSTEM.INI go read “shell=c:calmiracalmira.exe”. While running Calmira only takes 2 MB of RAM, and the advantage to it is that you get a more modern interface. Since it replaces program manager as the Windows Shell, there is no performance loss. Actually, when I ran 3.1 a year ago on my old 486DX/33 with 8 MB RAM, it performed rather well as a shell.